How do you find employment when you’re homeless? How do you get a job, or even get to a job interview when you’re sleeping in a park or under a bridge and you don’t even have clean clothes or a phone? How do you get past the barriers homelessness brings when you have absolutely no support? Well, we created The Plate Up Project to address all of these barriers and we are so proud to announce our partnership with Kinfolk Cafe on Bourke Street along with the Left Bank Melbourne to create an amazing all round practical and educational experience […]

This is a bit long (as usual!), but we’d love you to read to the end. Today we employed two new women to help us pack tampons at the warehouse. One of these ladies lives in a tent. Can you tell which one? It’s impossible. It’s also impossible to tell her apart from everyone else walking down the street. It’s impossible to know what she’s been through and why she’s sleeping in a tent tonight. I can tell you this though, she’s amazing and incredible and one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. I love being around her. She […]